Why Do Questions About Oklahoma Elections Cause Push Back From Oklahoma Election Officials?

Why Do Questions About Oklahoma Elections Cause Push Back From Oklahoma Election Officials?

Friday, April 26th, ROPE Report Live interviewed Ric Moore – a Canadian County election official – about something interesting that had happened to him during the last election. Wendi Montgomery Dial and Amber Evans also joined us for a continued discussion about what happened to Ric AND the interesting Contest of Candidacy held by the Oklahoma State Election Board at the state capitol on Thursday, April 18th between sitting Representative Clay Staires and Libertarian candidate, Kenneth Blevins.

The ENTIRE live video can be found on both our Rumble and YouTube channels, but I’ve broken the live video down into several short videos so you can watch them as you have time because THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT.

Here is Ric Moore explaining what happened to him when he took a picture of the back of his car, which contained all the items he had picked up from the Canadian County Election Board the Monday evening before the Tuesday election. He posted the photo to a group chat on Telegram (a messaging app) and noted how unsecured all the election paraphernalia is after it’s picked up from the election board. Wendi then picked up the photo and posted it to one of her social media accounts. When Ric drops off his machine at the Canadian County Election Board after the election was over, he was confronted with Wendi’s post and ushered into a meeting with Canadian County election officials and a Sheriff’s deputy.

The edit is a bit choppy, but I tried to pick the parts of the conversation that explain everything that happened and knit them together for the shortest possible time commitment!

Later on in the conversation, Wendi and Amber Evans, Michael and I, discussed the Contest of Candidacy brought by sitting Representative Clay Staires against Libertarian candidate Kenneth Blevins.

In order to be a candidate in Oklahoma, you either pay a filing fee to the Oklahoma State Election Board, or file a petition signed by 4% of the registered voters eligible to vote for the candidate in the election determined by using the latest voter registration report. Blevins elected to collect signatures rather than pay the $500 fee. Consequently, the Contest of Candidacy hearing centered on whether or not Blevins collected enough ACCURATE signatures to be considered a ballot candidate.

Both Amber and Wendi watched the video of the hearing posted by the Oklahoma State Election Board (see timestamp 4:59:15) and explained what happened and what concerned them about the hearing. According to both women, Oklahoma should archive the current voter records and re-register everyone in Oklahoma again to make sure the rolls contain actual Oklahoma electors. This was a fascinating conversation that truly MUST be watched – especially if you’re like me and don’t really understand as much about our election system as Wendi and Amber!

This final section is a bit longer, but it was just too important not to add – of course you can always just watch the full video – but in this section of the video toward the end, all four of us began talking about what is happening in Oklahoma. We have so few people voting and we’ve elected people who are becoming tyrants. For example, why were Cheryl Williams and I fired for pointing out that the Oklahoma County Election Board wasn’t following the law? Why couldn’t election officials have gotten together and worked WITH us to find a solution? Why yell at us and fire us and then sic the Attorney General AND District Attorney on us to investigate us? You’d think we’d have committed election fraud – or worse!

But it’s not just election officials in this state, it’s so many other NON-ELECTED bureaucrats! We shouldn’t even have unelected bureaucrats, why should they also attack the citizens they are appointed to SERVE? When we really got to talking about it, we all agree – we’re in trouble here in little ol’ Bible Belt, Conservative, Red State, Oklahoma…